
BigMIND offers users the convenience of streaming music and videos directly from their mobile devices or their BigMIND web console. Whether you are on the go or at your desktop, accessing your media library has never been easier. Below are two methods to seamlessly enjoy your favorite tunes and videos using BigMIND.

The type of the file should be one of the supported file types.

Streaming From BigMIND Web Console

  1. Log in to your BigMIND web console.
  2. From the left-side menu, click Discover.
  3. From the Discover Data page, locate the music or video file you wish to play.
  4. Right-click on the file and select the Play option to begin streaming.


Streaming Using the BigMIND Mobile Application

  1. Open your BigMIND mobile application.
  2. Browse through your data under the Discover screen to find the desired music or video file.
  3. Simply tap on the file to initiate playback and enjoy seamless streaming.


With these straightforward methods, you can effortlessly access and enjoy your music and video collection stored on BigMIND, whether you are using your computer or mobile device.