
BigMIND offers robust backup features, including the following:

  1. Incremental backup with versioning: BigMIND employs incremental backup with versioning, whereby any modifications made to the original files locally will automatically trigger an upload to the Cloud, resulting in the creation of a new version of that modified file. As a result, frequently modified files will have multiple versions stored on the Cloud, offering the option to restore an older version if needed. (Learn more)
  2. The deleted files are kept on the Cloud: BigMIND does not remove files from the Cloud, even if they have been deleted locally. Thus, if you delete a file(s) from your machine, you will still find it in your BigMIND backup, contributing to the size discrepancy between the original data and its backup. (Learn more)

So, over time, the backup size can grow significantly due to multiple versions and retained deleted files. To manage this, BigMIND provides a retention option that helps users purge unnecessary versions and deleted files, optimizing cloud storage usage.

Setting Retention for Business Accounts

Business account holders can configure retention settings by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to your BigMIND online account.
  2. From the left-side menu, click Settings.
  3. From under Retention Settings section, set the desired settings for the retention → Click the Save Settings button. Those specified settings will be applied to the backup of all users under this BigMIND account.
  4. If you want to apply the retention rule for only a certain folder, then click the Add Retention button under the Retention Settings (Advanced) → Select the user, and the machine and specify the folder’s path → Specify the preferred retention settings → OK → Click the Save Settings button.
BigMIND needs up to 24 hours from the moment you hit the Save button in order to apply the desired Retention rules to your Cloud backup.

Retention for Home Accounts

Home account users have limited control over file versions, with BigMIND automatically retaining the ten (10) latest versions and deleting older ones. Deleted files remain in the cloud indefinitely unless manually removed.


Properly managing file retention settings in BigMIND ensures efficient use of cloud storage and easy access to necessary file versions and deleted files.