
Websites can be vulnerable to corruption due to unauthorized access or malware attacks. To ensure a quick recovery and maintain the integrity of your site, it’s essential to back up your website regularly. This guide will walk you through the process of backing up your website using BigMIND, including the necessary requirements, what can be backed up, and how to configure your backup settings.

Requirements for Website Backup

To back up a website, ensure that it is accessible via SFTP or SSH protocols. There is no need to install an agent; you simply need to add the website as described below.

Items Eligible for Backup

You can back up the following items:

  • Website content files: All files accessible to the account you specify for the SFTP or SSH connection.
  • Linked databases (if any) hosted on MySQL servers: All databases accessible to the MySQL account you specify.

If your website employs databases, we recommend that you back up both the files and the databases, to be able to recover them to a consistent state.


  • A single backup plan cannot be applied to multiple websites. Each website requires its own backup plan, even if the settings are identical.
  • Only one backup plan can be applied to a website.
  • Backup options are not available.

Backing Up a Website

To add a website and configure its backup:

    1. Log in to your BigMIND web console as an admin user.
    2. Click Manage next to Websites on your Dashboard page. This will open the Websites management console in a new tab.
    3. From the left-side menu, click on Devices.
    4. In the top-right corner, click Add.
    5. Click Website.
    6. Configure the following access settings for the website:
      • In Website name, create and type a name for your website. This name will be displayed in the backup console.
      • In Host, specify the hostname or IP address that will be used to access the website via SFTP or SSH. For example, or
      • In Port, specify the port number.
      • In User name and Password, specify the credentials of the account that can be used to access the website via SFTP or SSH.

        Important!  Only the files that are accessible to the specified account will be backed up.

        Instead of a password, you can specify your private SSH key. To do this, select the Use SSH private key instead of password check box, and then specify the key.

    7. Click Next.
    8. If your website uses MySQL databases, configure the access settings for the databases. Otherwise, click Skip.
      1. In Connection type, select how to access the databases from the cloud:
        • Via SSH from host—The databases will be accessed via the host specified in step 3.
        • Direct connection—The databases will be accessed directly. Choose this setting only if the databases are accessible from the Internet.
      2. In Host, specify the name or IP address of the host where the MySQL server is running.
      3. In Port, specify the port number for the TCP/IP connection to the server. The default port number is 3306.
      4. In User name and Password, specify the MySQL account credentials.
        Important! Only the databases that are accessible to the specified account will be backed up.
      5. Click Create.
    9. The software shows a new backup plan template. Change the settings if necessary, and then click Apply.

To change the connection settings:

  1. Select the website under DevicesWebsites.
  2. Click Overview.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to the website or the database connection settings.
  4. Do the necessary changes, and then click Save.

To edit the backup plan:

  1. Select the website under DevicesWebsites.
  2. Click Backup.
  3. Click the gear icon next to the backup plan name, and then click Edit.
  4. Do the necessary changes, and then click Save changes.

