BigMIND is an automated backup solution that securely stores your data on Amazon AWS storage servers. In contrast to numerous other online or cloud backup services that store data on their proprietary servers, BigMIND utilizes advanced technologies to enable centralized management and backup to Amazon AWS servers. We do not have access to your data at any point; it is encrypted before leaving your device and remains encrypted while stored on Amazon AWS servers.

Amazon’s Compliance Certificates

HIPAA-sized Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_.svg pci-sized
 soc-sized  FIPS_sized  iso27001-sized

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We bear security in mind with every step of the backup and restore procedures, below are the main factors that contribute to the security of BigMIND:


BigMIND uses 256-bit AES military-grade encryption to encrypt your data locally and before it leaves your machine to be transferred over an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection to Amazon AWS servers where they are encrypted again with the same 256-bit AES encryption before they reside on the servers.

Password Requirements

HIPAA Security rules specify that access to PHI data must meet benchmark-based password creation and use. Your BigMIND passwords must meet length and complexity requirements, and password validation is time- and logic-sensitive and requires manual updates. Further, failed login/data decryption attempts will automatically trigger account lockouts on an IP and user level.

Hybrid+ Offsite Backup

BigMIND provides an automated offline/local backup that runs simultaneously with the cloud backup process to help assist in cases of immediate data recovery, theft, virus attacks, accidental data deletion, and natural disasters, as required by HIPAA.